Automated Workflows

Integrated Applications

Reclaim your time and drive business growth with tailored workflow automation and
application integration solutions. Future-proofing your business has never been so easy.

Automated Workflows

Integrated Platforms

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What is Workflow Automation?
Workflow automation utilizes software to complete routine business tasks without
the need for human input
, meaning your workload lightens while productivity soars.

Data flows securely between integrated platforms, triggering thousands of tasks and
subtasks that fulfill your processes quickly, consistently, and hands-free.
A few common examples:
      Tasks are routed to the appropriate team or individual
      Notifications are sent when a project reaches certain milestones
      Workload distribution by volume, time, or custom criteria
      Convert emails and form submissions into service requests
      Automatic creation and delivery of calendar events and invites
      Tracking project status and notifying of impending or late deadlines
      Data-rich communication via Slack, WhatsApp, SMS, or other platforms
      Document generation and delivery of invoices, contracts, onboarding materials
      Tailored notifications for important but infrequent tasks
      Data from emails and forms is formatted and distributed across platforms
      Business data is consolidated into reports and custom dashboards
      Tasks are routed to the appropriate team or individual
      Notifications are sent when a project reaches set milestones
      Workload distribution by volume, time, or custom criteria
      Convert emails and form submissions into service requests
      Automatic creation and delivery of calendar events and invites
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Hands-Free Productivity
The use of software to complete routine business tasks with little-to-no human intervention required.
Core business operations like data management, internal processes, marketing, sales, and HR include dozens of repetitive tasks that don't require human creativity or critical thinking.
Workflow Automation offloads these tasks, freeing your teams to focus on what matters: exceptional customer service and business growth.
Business who automate repetitive tasks report:
Ready to get started? Book your free consultation
Step-by-Step Instructions
Workflows are mapped into a series of trigger + action instructions
that the software executes automatically.
Think of a common business task: Processings New Leads
The following steps need to occur:
Trigger: Website Form Received
Action: Add New Contact to CRM
Action: Segment + Add to Email Marketing Campaign
Action: Generate Lead Documents + Folder Structure
Action: Assign New Lead to Sales Team
Action: Send Welcome Email
This is a common lead generation pipeline, but how many resources are required? Let's say this task takes 15 minutes to complete, with 8 form submissions each week:
15 min x 8 forms = 11.56 days a year to do this task manually
What could you do with an extra few weeks of time? Book your free consultation call.
Automations for All

Every business can benefit from automation, but small to medium-size businesses (SMBs) experience a unique competitive advantage.

88% of SMBs say automation allows them to compete with larger companies by enabling them to move faster, reduce errors and offer better customer support.
The SMB Advantage:
Nimble + Powerful: Automation allows SMBs to better respond to industry challenges by freeing up resources, reducing costs, and enabling data-driven decision making.
Scalable Solutions: Automated systems can handle repetitive tasks regardless of volume, so as the business grows, the automation scales with it.
Force Multiplier: Automation fuels SMB growth by freeing up human potential to focus on strategic initiatives and core competencies.
Higher ROI: SMBs who automate report cost savings, increased efficiency, and the ability to focus human talent on higher-value activities that drive growth.
SMBs leverage automation to compete with larger players by streamlining tasks and delivering exceptional customer value, all while staying agile and scalable in a changing market.
Ready to get started? Book your free consultation call.
Hands-Free Productivity

The use of software to complete routine business tasks
with little-to-no human intervention required.

Core business operations like data management, internal processes, marketing, sales, and HR
include dozens of repetitive tasks that don't require human creativity or critical thinking.
Workflow Automation offloads these tasks, freeing your teams to focus on what matters:
exceptional customer service
and business growth.
Businesses that automate repetitive tasks report:
Reduced Costs: Average 35% reduction in operational costs
Time Saved: Employees get back up to 3. hours each week
Industry Standard: 48% of organizations currently use automation
More Conversions: 77% experienced increased conversions due to automated marketing
Exceeds Expectations: 85% report unexpected benefits like accuracy, speed and flexibility
Impressive ROI: An average return of $6.74 for every $1 invested in automation
20 minutes
Time per task
10 forms
Each week
19.26 days
Human labor
Ready to get started? Book your free consultation call.
Step-by-Step Instructions

Repetitive workflows are mapped into a series of trigger + action instructions that the software executes automatically.

Think of a common business task: Processing New Leads
This task can be mapped into the following steps:
Trigger: New Form Submitted to Website
Action: Add New Lead to CRM
Action: Segment Lead to Email Marketing Campaign
Action: Generate Lead Documents + Folder Structure
Action: Assign Lead to Sales Team
Action: Deliver a Welcome Email
20 minutes
Time per task
10 forms
Each week
19.26 days
Human labor
This is a common lead generation pipeline, but how many resources are required? Let's say this task takes 15 minutes to complete, with 8 form submissions each week:
15 min x 8 forms = 11.56 days a year to do this task manually
What could you do with an extra few weeks of time? Automating repetitive tasks like these can dramatically reduce your operational workload. All while increasing productivity, slashing error rates, and improving compliance.  
Ready to get started? Book your free consultation call.
Automations for All

Businesses of every size benefit from automation, but small to medium-size businesses (SMBs) experience a unique competitive advantage.

88% of SMBs say automation allows them to compete with larger companies by enabling them to move faster, reduce errors and offer better customer support.
The SMB Advantage:
Nimble + Powerful: Automation allows SMBs to better respond to industry challenges by freeing up resources, reducing costs, and enabling data-driven decision making.
Scalable Solutions: Automated systems can handle repetitive tasks regardless of volume, so as the business grows, the automation scales alongside it, keeping the business efficient and responsive.
Force Multiplier: Automation fuels SMB growth by freeing up human potential to focus on strategic initiatives and core competencies.
Higher ROI: SMBs who automate report cost savings from reduced manual work, increased efficiency leading to more output, and the ability to focus human talent on higher-value activities that drive growth.
20 minutes
Time per task
10 forms
Each week
19.26 days
Human labor
Small to medium-size businesses leverage automation to compete with larger players by streamlining tasks and delivering exceptional customer value, all while staying agile and scalable in a changing market.
Ready to get started? Book your free consultation call.
Use Case

Popular Automations

Here's just a hand-full of the thousands of automation opportunities available to your teams. Each automation is tailored to your unique workflows, effortlessly scaling as your business grows.

Measure Customer Satisfaction and Behavior with KPIs

Collect customer feedback, calculate customer satisfaction metrics, and analyze customer behavior patterns.
Collect customer feedback, calculate customer satisfaction metrics, and analyze customer behavior patterns.
Customer Support

Process New Help Tickets + Route to Agent

Workflow for receiving, classifying, and routing help tickets to the most suitable agent or department within your organization.
Customer Support
Workflow for receiving, classifying, and routing help tickets to the most suitable agent or department within your organization.

Analyze Help Ticket Submissions for Insights

Collect and analyze data from help ticket submissions to identify trends, common issues, and areas for improvement within your customer support operations.
Collect and analyze data from help ticket submissions to identify trends, common issues, and areas for improvement within your customer support operations.
File Management

Archive Website, Social Media + Marketing Posts in Database

Capture and store website content, social media posts, and marketing materials in a central database for future reference and analysis.
File Management
Capture and store website content, social media posts, and marketing materials in a central database for future reference and analysis.
Invoicing + Accounting

Deliver Tailored PDF Receipts as Email + SMS Attachments

Workflow for generating PDF receipts, archiving purchase details, and sending them to customers via email or SMS with a personalized message.
Invoicing + Accounting
Workflow for generating PDF receipts, archiving purchase details, and sending them to customers via email or SMS with a personalized message.
Artificial Intelligence

Transcribe Audio + Analyze for Sentiment

Transcribe audio files and analyze the sentiment of the transcribed text. Valuable for tasks like customer interviews, focus groups, meetings, or lectures.
Artificial Intelligence
Transcribe audio files and analyze the sentiment of the transcribed text. Valuable for tasks like customer interviews, focus groups, meetings, or lectures.
Project Management

Receive Daily Report of Tasks, Meetings + Upcoming Due Dates

Receive a daily or weekly report summarizing your upcoming tasks, meetings, and due dates from various sources, keeping you organized and informed about your schedule.
Project Management
Receive a daily or weekly report summarizing your upcoming tasks, meetings, and due dates from various sources, keeping you organized and informed about your schedule.
Invoicing + Accounting

Generate + Deliver Invoices for Recurring Payments

Generate invoices for customers with recurring subscriptions or memberships, ensuring timely delivery and efficient billing management.
Invoicing + Accounting
Generate invoices for customers with recurring subscriptions or memberships, ensuring timely delivery and efficient billing management.
Sales + E-Commerce

Re-engage Potential Customers

Reconnect with potential customers who haven't converted yet, nurturing leads and reviving interest in your product or service.
Sales + E-Commerce
Reconnect with potential customers who haven't converted yet, nurturing leads and reviving interest in your product or service.
Project Management

New Project Launch: Automate Initial Tasks, Meetings + Communication

Create task lists, schedule kickoffs, set up communication channels, and organize project folders - all when a new project lands in your system. Get your team working faster, with a smoother launch for every project.
Project Management
Create task lists, schedule kickoffs, set up communication channels, and organize project folders - all when a new project lands in your system. Get your team working faster, with a smoother launch for every project.
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Automation Benefits

How much can you save with automation?

Saving with Automation

Do more with less, literally. Workflow automation offloads thousands of repetitive tasks, boosting productivity and slashing error-rates. This leads to faster turnaround times, happier clients, and an organizational focus on growth.
Business that automate report:

Dramatic Time Savings

3.6 hours saved per employee each week

Lower Costs

35% reduction in operational costs

Productivity Boost

Up to 2% productivity growth annually

Impressive Returns

$6.74 return for every $1 invested in automation

Calculate your savings with the ROI Calculator
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Integrate 5000+ Platforms

Make your platforms work for you,
not the other way around.
Unite Decentralized Applications

Seamless Information Flow
Streamlined Operations
Accurate Data Analysis

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Looking to optimize your business with workflow automation?

Our blog is a great place to start. We cover everything from identifying automation opportunities to reducing risk while maximizing efficiency. Discover case studies of how other businesses benefit from automation.

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